Okay, I don't normally blog about personal stuff, especially something about the age thing. But since I can now say "in the past 30 almost 31 years of my life", I guess its okay. ;-) I remember I didnt want to face the fact "I was going to be 30" last year of this time, I just couldnt let this thought into my head. Well, it's much easier this year. It's really not much different. Tomorrow I'll be 31, and I realized I still do the same thing I'd do in my 20's and wear the same style clothes and makeup. :D I do hope I'm more mature though. This year I'm going to celebrate my birthday by going to the happiest place on earth - Disneyland, just going to enjoy the day and have fun. I'm excited!!!
The photo below has nothing to do with my birthday...wait...actually, Misty and I share the same birthday, Happy Birthday Misty!!! If you remember Misty and Cutis from their wedding, they're expecting their first baby! I took some shots of them when Misty was helping me with my project (soon to be blogged), it makes me smile every time I look at this one. Don't you just love the way he looks at her? :-)
Have a wonderful weekend! :-)