First of all, Happy Easter! Happy royal wedding (Yes I watched it, not at 4am though)! Happy birthday to my honey (it was Monday last week...but we celebrated it this past weekend)! And Happy mother's day!!!
We went on a little getaway trip to San Diego to celebrate Brian's birthday. To start, we went to Norco for a horseback ride. Well, this was my first time horseback riding, I was excited and nervous at the same time.
Meet Savanna...she's a friendly mustang. She came to me and Brian and let us pet her before we started the cute! Even though she stopped in the middle of the walk and the lady who guided us had to drag her for a little period of time, and she jogged a little bit which scared me for few times, I still had a good ride with her.
Brian and Trooper
my handsome hubby
Back in the ranch...after 2 hours walking in the wilderness. The trail we went on was beautiful. I was planning on taking some shots but I didn't get to. I was too busy holding onto the rope and trying not to fall, and too scared to do anything else...
Brian took some shots of these ponies from the car while we were leaving, they are so cute!
Anyways, I survived my 1st horseback riding! And I definitely want to do it again...soon!
Ps. All photos here were taken by my Canon was covered with dust when we finished even I didnt get to use it on the walk, I'm glad that I didn't bring my 5D.