It's been a while since I posted last time. So...what have I been doing recently? Well the photo business has been put down for a while and life for me right now is just hanging out with my baby everyday and I'm loving it. We read books, practice alphabets and numbers, do puzzles, play with toys, shoot baskets, sing, dance, go to the library for story much fun!
Since I'm home most of time, I now have housewife duties which I'm "trying" to fulfill. Why am I saying "trying" here? Because that's what I'm doing. I have to admit that I'm not the best at getting the house organized even though I'd love to. I searched online and went on pinterest to get some help and man! there's a lot of things I need to do. I'm learning, and trying.
In the end of January we took a trip to Taiwan to visit my family. It was Jojo's 1st time to Taiwan and we had a great time. It was during Chinese New Year so I got see many of my relatives and that was awesome. I also got to hang out with many of my best friends that I grew up with (they're the best!!!). After we got back I decided to start a blog (written in Chinese) to share my life in SoCal with my family & friends in Taiwan. Check it out HERE. I'm not very good at writing but I try ;-)
With all that I really miss taking pictures, especially photographing weddings. I haven't been doing weddings since I was pregnant with Jojo due to health reasons (except for 2nd shooting). Brian and I attended one of his best friends' wedding last week, it was beautiful and very touching in every way. And it really made me want to shoot weddings again. I love the loving atmosphere and beautiful wedding details, and everyone is full of joy. It just makes me very happy.
So...who's getting married this summer and needs a photographer?? Contact me!!!